Here you can find information about the different ways to get from Girona airport to Vic or from Vic city to Girona Airport. You can take a taxi, book a transfer or a public bus with Teisa. It is also possible to rent a car with any of the companies operating in this airport or Vic.
Taxi between Girona Airport (GRO) and Vic.
One option is to take a taxi from Girona airport to Vic. The taxis are waiting just outside the airport after baggage claim. The approximate cost of the taxi ride from Girona Airport to Vic is 80 to 90 € depending on many factors, such as traffic at main access to Vic, or the weather conditions, since the road uses to be foggy during Autumn, Winter or Spring. The trip takes from 40 to 60 minutes and the distance is 58 km to Vic city center.
Tele Radio Vic Phone number is: +34 938 855 000, with a taxi fleet in Vic is 21 taxis. The main taxi station in Vic is just at the Renfe train station in Plaça Estació, 4 and there is another taxi station at 29th Ramblas del Carmen.
Central taxi girona phone: +34 972203377 / +34 972 222 323.
Transfer from Girona Airport (GRO) and Vic.
This is definitely the best option to get to Vic from Girona Airport (GRO), the cost depends on the number of people and is around this:
If you want a quote and book your transfer you can do this directly with us with best guarantees.
Between Girona Airport (GRO) and Vic by Bus
The bus company called "Teisa" offers the bus service from between Airport and Vic. This option is the most affordable, with a cost of 5.5 € (one way) or 9€ (return), the tour lasts 1 h. Below is the schedule of buses that can take you from the airport to Vic.
The stop at Vic is in Carrer del Pare Gallissà, 2, 08500 and at the Girona airport station is at the parking of the airport. Bus company Teisa Phone is: +34 972204868.
Airport Girona (GRO) | VIC center |
9.15 | 10.00 * |
13.45 | 14.30 * |
14.45 | 15.35 |
16.15 | 17.00 * |
19.30 | 20.20 |
20.45 | 21.30 * |
8.45 | 9.35 |
17.45 | 18.35 |
21.30 | 22.15 * |
* Runs from June 15 to September 15 |
VIC center | Girona Airport (GRO) |
7.15 | 8,05 * |
8.45 | 9.35 |
12.15 | 13,05 * |
14.15 | 15,05 * |
17.00 | 17.50 |
19.15 | 20,05 * |
20.00 | 20.50 |
11.00 | 11.50 |
20.00 | 20.50 |
* Runs from June 15 to September 15 |
Note: the bus enters the airport alone if there are passengers in this destination.
Between Girona airport and Vic by Car
Driving Vic is quite simple: follow the signs from the airport to the C25; Continue west and take you straight to Vic. You can also rent a car, with any of the companies in the airport:
The other option is to rent a car at one of the car rental companies in Vic, which are cheaper: