If you are flying to or from Manchester, there are four airlines to choose from - BMI, Ryanair, Thomsonfly and MyTravel. We recommend that you fly with Ryanair, as this company has more frequent flights and offers much cheaper rates.
Ryanair flies between Manchester Airport and Girona Airport four times per week; lunes, miercoles, viernes y sabado. Transport from Manchester Airport is very well connected to all cities and towns in the surrounding area. There are six trains per hour between Manchester Airport and the city centre, and the last trains leaves at 1am. Ryanair offers a daily service to and from the city.
The Ryanair flight arrives fairly late into Girona, currently at 23.05. There are bus services up to midnight from Girona airport, but if your flight is delayed it can be hard to find transport to your final destination, and your only options are therefore taxis. Manchester Airport does not have a 24 hour transfer service, although some buses run very late. Thomsonfly, BMI and MyTravel flights offer much more infrequent services, so we advise that you fly with Ryanair. Ryanair, while offering very cheap flights, charge high prices for checked-in luggage and extra luggage. Please see our Companies page under Flight Destinations for more information.