Between Girona airport and Granollers and Mataró by bus
This is the easiest way to get to Girona airport from Granollers and Mataró. Here you have the timetables from Mataró, Granollers and GRO, with 6 daily buses:
Departure from Mataró |
Departure from Granollers |
Arrival to GRO |
04:00 |
04:20 |
05:10 |
06:20 |
06:45 |
07:35 |
10:15 |
10:40 |
11:30 |
13:05 |
13:30 |
14:20 |
15:50 |
16:15 |
17:05 |
19:15 |
19:40 |
20:30 |
Departure from GRO Departure from Granollers Arrival to Mataró 5:10 6:00 6:20 9:00 9:50 10:15 11:30 12:20 12:45 14:30 15:20 15:45 18:00 18:50 19:15 22:15 23:05 23:30 No service for 24 and 25 of december and 1st of January. No sevice during 24, 25 and 31 of December.
Between Girona airport and Granollers and Mataró by car
To hire a car, please see the Car Hire section of this website.
Between Girona airport and Granollers and Mataró by taxi
The price for a taxi from Girona airport to Granollers and Mataró. We recomend you not to choose this option, but rather take a transfer or to rent a car.
Between Girona airport and Granollers and Mataró by transfer
To do a transfer, please search prices at the booking form for transfers.