There is a distance of 30 km (18 miles) from Lloret de Mar to Girona airport. Bus is the cheapest option to get to Girona airport from Lloret bus station, but if you are a group of 4 people or more, then there are better options like taking a taxi or booking a transfer, that will pick you up at your address instead of walking with your luggage through the crowded streets of Lloret de Mar to the bus station.
From Lloret de Mar to Girona airport by Taxi
The approximate cost of a taxi from Lloret de Mar to the airport is around 55 € but can be higher depending on the traffic around Lloret de Mar, the date or the number of luggage. We recommend choosing this method of transport if you are 4 people or do not want to wait long for the next bus. Always ask to the driver for the estimated cost to get to the airport. To book the taxi from Lloret de Mar you can do this calling from a local number to:
There are only 41 taxis in Lloret de Mar, so you might need to book in advance or wait for the cab after you make the phone call during high season (July and August). There are only 4 taxis in Lloret that are adapted for 5 to 7 people. Taxis in Lloret are all white, with a sign on it. There are 3 taxi stations in Lloret located at:
Transfer from Girona Airport (GRO) and Lloret de Mar
This is definitely the best option to reach Lleida from Girona Airport (GRO)
pax 4-80 Euros
pax 7-95 Euros
pax 12-130 Euros
pax 16-155 Euros
For a quote and book your transfer you can do it directly on this page with all guarantees.
From Lloret de Mar to Girona Airport by Bus.
The cheapest way to get to Girona airport from Lloret de Mar if you are traveling alone is to take the direct bus service from Lloret de Mar bus station. The tour costs 10 € and lasts more than 30 minutes, depending on the traffic jam, but you may consider the cost of a taxi from your accommodation to the central bus station.
There companies going from Lloret de Mar Bus Station to the airport are Barcelona Bus (line 603 and 605), Sarfa and autocars Mas.
June 22 to Sept 13 |
Nov 1 to March 28 |
March 29 to June 21 |
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From Lloret de Mar to Girona Airport by Car
The trip takes about 30 minutes, depending on traffic. By leaving Lloret de Mar follow the signs for the AP7 motorway towards France. You will come to a toll where you must take the ticket (to be paid in the next few 2 € toll). After the first toll, take the road to Girona airport that will take you to the AP7 motorway. It is the following output Novotel. Drive for about 10 or 15 minutes and take exit 7 which says Girona airport ("sortida" is "exit" in Catalan). After this, you will spend some roundabouts; follow the signs indicating Girona airport.